Este método responde a lo explicado en este Video, a partir del minuto 3:50, donde hablo sobre la importancia de cambiar la estructura de estudio de la tonalidad, específicamente en las escalas.
10 Modelos de estudios para las 12 escalas mayores.
How to play the Flute? This manual is designed for people of any age who wish to start or continue their first flute studies. You will find references from Flute to buy on the first pages, to playing all the notes of the instrument, technically mastering it and having a varied repertoire that you can share with friends, family and other musicians on stage. You do not need any minimum experience to start with this manual, since it already includes all the tools you need to develop as a flute player.
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All the material in this Manual is completely Digital, so you can view it wherever and whenever you want on your Smartphone, Tablet or Personal Computer. All scores, exercises, methods and other instructions come in PDF format, compatible with all devices. The Video Classes are hosted on YouTube so that you can also view them without sacrificing space on your device.
NOTE: This manual does not work magically. You have to spend time, read and study.
Que Flauta Transversa comprar ? Que flauta recomiendan ?
Como tocar la Flauta. Clases de Flauta Online. Como tocar las notas de la Flauta. Como soplar a la flauta traversa. Clases online de Flauta traversa. Clases particulares de Flauta Traversa. Clases con Daryl Anton. Daryl Anton. Pasos para tocar la Flauta. Manual.

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